Are you keen to produce high quality, accurate text for your emails, notices, flyers, product and service descriptions, etc.? If you are anything like me, you probably squirm when you read the text from some companies even though it appears on their blood-sweat-and-tears expensive website! Set in stone for all the world to examine, mistakes and all!
A study has revealed that 59 per cent of business people in the UK would not use a company that had obvious grammatical or spelling mistakes on its website or marketing material, and 82 per cent would not use a company that had not correctly translated its material into English. The research, conducted by Global Lingo, polled 1,029 UK adults on their online purchasing and browsing habits.
It makes a huge impact to use correct grammar, accurate spelling, and overall good quality English!
I can proof-read very quickly; and I hope from the high standard you can see on this web site, you can appreciate that I can guarantee a good job well done! If you send me your text — or just point me to your web pages — if I find any typos or spelling, grammar, or syntax errors, I will send you an alternative copy of the text so you can compare the two. I’ll also, potentially, give you a list of suggestions if I’m unsure of your meaning, or the prospective change is open to debate.
Try me out for free on your most treasured piece of commercial, customer-facing, text (not more than 1000 words or so)!